As a motivational speaker and award-winning hip hop artist, he possesses a true passion for creating a genuine connection with the world around him by telling his captivating life story.
A story in which he survives trauma after trauma.
He takes his audience on a roller-coaster ride through childhood abuse and abandonment, the darkest depths of drug & alcohol addiction, criminal activity that landed him in and out of jails; ultimately leading to a lengthy stay in a federal prison cell, and his most recent trauma, surviving a drunk-driving accident that paralyzed his entire right arm and almost took his very life.
As a Native American community leader, he coordinates events, mentors our youth, and empowers our future.
James provides a fresh look into the world of addiction and substance abuse.
More importantly, his mission is to influence change by providing his unique perspective on recovery, prevention, resiliency, having hope despite trauma, and how culture can bring healing from all of it.
As James’ addictions worsened and his influence in the music industry grew, the focus of his craft gradually became an emulation of the street lifestyle he was living, which came across in his music.
This perpetuated negative lifestyle behaviors, not only in his own walk, but others that followed in his foot steps.
His new focus is to educate, uplift, and inspire the world around him to never give up despite whatever circumstances they may be faced with, and to climb out of the life of criminal behavior and addiction.
You possess the power to shape the world in which we live. Ready to take the next step?